We can do better.
Following a traumatic brain injury (TBI), elevated cranial pressure can lead to serious health issues: brain damage, coma, or even death.
And yet, only 2% of people with TBIs (1 in 50) have their cranial pressure tested.

Current Methods of Measuring Intracranial Pressure are Invasive, Expensive, and Risky.
The current method for measuring intracranial pressure involves drilling a hole in the skull and physically inserting a sensor into the brain.
Because this procedure is invasive and introduces additional risk factors, it is only used for patients in critical condition, typically in a coma.

In 98% of traumatic brain injuries, the intracranial pressure is never tested.
This leaves patients vulnerable to brain damage, seizure, coma, stroke, or even death.
IPASS measures intracranial pressure in seconds.
CranioSense has developed IPASS, a technology that measures intracranial pressure in seconds, without the need to drill a hole in the skull or insert a sensor into the brain.
IPASS measures intracranial pressure (ICP) with an easy-to-use system that only requires a patch on the forehead, two clip-on sensors, and a handheld device the size of an iPad.

“Non-invasive ICP is the holy grail.
It would completely change how we manage patients in a pre-hospital setting.”
Neurointensivist (Texas)

“We need to wait until our patients nearly herniate to treat ICP. This technology would change everything.”
Rural Paramedic (New Hampshire)
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